Tech Review: New Image Generator, Artificial Intelligence against Genetic Mutations, Elon Musk to Make Twitter Paid, and More

In the forthcoming edition of the technological review, you will be informed about the new image generator developed by OpenAI; a tool from Google DeepMind designed to detect health-threatening genetic mutations; Elon Muskʼs intention to make his social media platform paid, and the novel capabilities of Googleʼs Bard chatbot.

  1. OpenAI has introduced the DALL-E 3 image generator, which will be integrated into ChatGPT

In OpenAIʼs neural network description, it is stated that DALL-E 3 represents a significant improvement over its predecessor, capable of generating images in response to complex queries. This model can accurately depict scenes with specific objects and consideri their interrelationships. Users are also granted the capability to formulate requests using ChatGPT.

Currently, DALL-E 3 is in the research beta version stage and will become available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise subscribers in October through an API. Images generated using DALL-E 3 are the property of the user, and no permissions are required for their duplication, sale, or distribution.

  1. Researchers from Google DeepMind have introduced a tool designed to identify health-threatening genetic mutations

This tool, named AlphaMissense, focuses on “missense mutations“, where a single letter in the genetic code is altered. On average, each individual possesses approximately 9,000 such mutations, and some of them can lead to diseases, such as cancer.

AlphaMissense is capable of predicting 89% of these mutations with high accuracy and providing an assessment of their potential severity. This database is now accessible to other researchers as well.

Although the tool is not intended for medical diagnosis, it can assist scientists in discovering new disease-causing genes. Indirectly, this may contribute to the development of novel treatment methods, as suggested by the researchers.

The tool was trained on human DNA and that of closely related primates.

  1. Elon Musk has announced his intention to make the usage of the X platform a paid in order to combat the influx of bots.

In the near future, users will be required to pay a nominal monthly subscription fee. Musk elucidated that the rationale behind implementing this paid subscription model is the challenge posed by a “vast army of bots” disrupting the platformʼs normal operations.

He believes that the introduction of fees will assist in reducing the number of bots, as it will render their utilization more financially burdensome. Previously, bots incurred minimal costs, but henceforth, each bot will necessitate payment of several dollars, which, in Muskʼs perspective, will significantly impact their proliferation. Specifics regarding the subscription cost and available features have not yet been disclosed.

  1. Google has trained its chatbot, Bard, to search for answers within Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Maps, YouTube, and Google Flights services.

Now, users can request it to analyze the content of emails and documents. The integration of Bard Extensions will provide information in the form of diagrams, but currently, this feature is available only in English.

Google pledges not to utilize user data for training Bard and guarantees confidentiality. Users have the option to opt out of this integration, and its actiation requires consent.

Bardʼs responses can be verified using the “Google It” button. Additionally, the company has added the capability to continue the conversation with the bot using a shared link, allowing users to expand upon a previously posed question by others.
