The U.S. Company Plans Expansion in Uzbekistan

Representatives of IT Park met with the co-founder of the American company “Lincoln Labs Inc.”, which has a subsidiary “Truss Global Tas” in Uzbekistan. The company plans to expand its operations in Uzbekistan and prioritize its local office for servicing clients based in the United States. During her visit, Julia Collins also visited Uzbek universities and IT training centers.

Truss Global Tas is a company established in Uzbekistan in 2022 by the American company “Lincoln Labs Inc.”. The company is registered in the Jizzakh region, and has been a resident of IT Park Uzbekistan since 2022. The company offers recruitment, hiring, and personnel management services to international companies worldwide, with a presence in four countries.

Truss Global Tas operates under the Employer of Record (EOR) model. EOR is a service provided by an external company, which becomes the official employer for employees working in another company. The EOR assumes all legal and administrative responsibilities associated with employment, such as documentation, payroll processing, taxes, benefits, and compliance with labor laws. This allows the primary company to focus on its core business objectives.

Julia Collins, the co-founder of the company, visited Uzbekistan and met with IT Park representatives, who provided detailed insights into the abundant young, qualified personnel proficient in foreign languages. Ms. Collins also visited several Uzbek universities, engaging with local students and faculty, ensuring the preparation of Uzbek specialists and conducting language proficiency evaluations. During her visit, Julia visited Samarkand, Tashkent, and Jizzakh.  

Further collaboration with Truss Global Tas is expected to have a positive impact on the labor market in Uzbekistan, providing local IT specialists with direct employment opportunities in major international companies. The safety of employees will be ensured by Truss itself. Collaboration with Truss will also grant Uzbekistan access to global talents and cutting-edge technologies, enhancing the competitiveness of Uzbek companies in the global market and fostering their growth and development.

