On October 20, 2021, IT Park hosted an event on the occasion of the State Language Holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is celebrated in all educational institutions and organizations annually on October 21.
The main participants of the educational seminar were the artist of the Mukimi State Drama Theater Turgun Beknazarov, Professor and Doctor of Philology Rahimboy Dzhumaniyazov, as well as representatives of the Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
During the event, employees and managers of IT Park were shown a video based on the poem by the National Poet of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Vakhidov “Ona tilim o‘lmaydi”. In addition, the speakers of the seminar acquainted the audience with the life and work of the founder of the literary Uzbek language, Alisher Navoi.
Since the Uzbek language is an inexhaustible heritage, heritage, and wealth of the entire nation, the importance of enriching and developing the state language was emphasized. A very important task has been put for the adult generation – to convey the native language in all its glory to the younger stratum of society