IT Park Tashkent launches courses in three actual IT areas!  

Today, the field of information technology is everywhere.  In Uzbekistan, as elsewhere in the world, this area is relevant, vital and categorically necessary in all spheres of activity in order to keep up with development and not be inferior to other countries.  The IT sphere is developing rapidly and IT specialists are becoming more and more in demand in the labor market.

Owing to the high demand for IT specialists, we are announcing the launch of three courses at the IT Park branch in Tashkent, namely:

  1. Frontend programming
    • Course duration – 6 months;
    • The cost of the course for 1 month – 800,000 soums;
    • Lessons are held 3 times a week for 2 hours.

  During the course, you will learn:

    • HTML;
    • CSS, SASS;
    • Bootstrap;
    • JavaScript;
    • ReactJS;
    • Redux.

2. Backend programming

    • Course duration – 6 months;
    • The cost of the course for 1 month – 1,000,000 soums;
    • Lessons are held 3 times a week for 2 hours.

  During the course, you will learn:

    • Python Core;
    • Python OOP;
    • Postgre SQL;
    • GitHub;
    • Python telegram bot API;
    • Django framework.

 Students of the above-mentioned two courses will have the opportunity to work with servers, real hosting and projects, and at the end of the course, they will have a ready-made portfolio, which will be a good bonus when seeking for a job.

3.  IT English

  IT terminology is only available in English as well as programming languages ​​are also available only in English.  There are no programming languages ​​translated into Uzbek or Russian so far.  Therefore, proficiency of English in the field of IT will help you to understand the terms, programming languages ​​faster and more efficiently and, in general, “join” this area.

    • Course duration – each level lasts 3 months;
    • The cost of the course for 1 month – 500,000 soums.
    • Lessons are held 3 times a week for 2 hours.

  The course targets to improve your skills across the board, in particular:

    • Speaking;
    • Writing;
    • Reading;
    • Listening;
    • Grammar;
    • Vocabulary.

  Among mentioned things, we will also help students prepare for  taking IELTS test successfully.

  To enroll in courses, call the phone number: +998 99 309 11 99

  Address: ICT school named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi
