New website - new projects: IT Park launches Republican projects!

New website - new projects: IT Park launches Republican projects!

On June 4, 2019, IT Park launched its official website – Throughout the year, the site was filled with various daily contents, which included: news, photos, reports and even a three-dimensional model of the IT Park office, thanks to which everyone can visit us online, as well as a lot of other information that was, and still is, useful for users of our site.

We decided to analyze our website statistics a bit and share our observations with you. After all, in just one year, we have a large number of active users who follow the activities of IT Park not only from Uzbekistan, but also from other continents of the world.

During the year, visitors visited our site more than 150 thousand times! As noted earlier, our users are not only residents of Uzbekistan, but also such countries as: Russia, USA, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, India, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Turkey. The largest number of visits was detected from Uzbekistan -139.492, Russia - 2.877 visits is in second place, the United States - 1.363, followed by Kazakhstan - 940, South Korea - 610, Kyrgyzstan - 561, India - 450, Ukraine – 391,Turkey – 383 and Tajikistan – 376.

The above-mentioned countries are not a complete list of countries that followed the IT Park site during the year. Japan, England, France, Germany, Belarus, the United Arab Emirates, China, the Netherlands, France, Poland, Canada, Italy, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Sweden, Malaysia, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Austria, from these and many other countries, were also seen visiting our site.

You may have surprised to see non-Russian-speaking countries and an impressive number of visits from abroad, but given that the activities of IT Park extends not only within Uzbekistan but also as we have many international partners, these statistics should not shock you so much.

Cities where most of the entries to the IT Park site were seen from:


Tashkent -133017

Moscow -1205


Andijan - 620


Namangan - 329

Navoi - 325

Saint Petersburg-365

Almaty - 332

Undefined cities -4474


Considering the linguistic component of the audience of our site despite the population of Uzbekistan mainly consists of Uzbek-speaking residents, the number of Russian-speaking visitors to the site clearly prevails. More than 54,000 people used the Russian version of the site for a year. Interestingly, the English version of the site was in greater demand among people than the Uzbek version (English-12.125, Uzbek-5.093).

The age category of our audience was also diverse. In the first place of visits are men and women aged 25-34 years, in the second place, people aged 18-24, the third place is taken by users aged 35-44 years and the last place is 45+. By the way, there are more men in our audience than women.

As you have already realized, the magic Google Analytics can analyze everything that is possible. Therefore, below you will see which browsers people most often and not so often used when visiting our site:

Chrome: 99.582

Samsung Internet: 17.780

Safari: 14.318

YaBrowser: 3.968

Android Webview: 3.612

Firefox: 2.949

UC Browser: 2.875

Opera: 2.196

Edge: 1.313

AndroidBrowser: 1005


Operating systems used by our site visitors:


Android –87 040

Windows –42 985

iOS -14 1782

Macintosh –4 557

Linux - 1 909

not set - 241

Nokia - 40

Chrome OS - 41

WindowsPhone - 33

BlackBerry - 7

Tizen - 4

The total number of page views on the site is 308,151. It is not surprising that the most frequently visited page on the site is the main page -49.168 visits. Next is a page about incubation and acceleration programs -34.067 visits. An online eSports tournament, which was held relatively recently by IT Park, also made itself felt, the news about this tournament gained 10.633 visits in a fairly short period. Clearly, we can conclude that Uzbek people are becoming more and more interested in startups and eSports. And this is good news because IT Park is committed to the development of these two sectors in the country as well. 

Looking back to the history of changes in the number of users of the site, you can see how rapidly the number of people interested in it has increased.

Following, on June 4, 2019, the number of visitors to the site was only 390 people. In one month this figure has been changed to 3 454 visitors. Over the next two months, the number of site users did not fall below 1000. On the contrary, in September, almost 6000 users were registered, which is a good indicator for the site, which at that time was only 4 months old. October was the month that could break the record of all previous months and gain as many as 9.919 visitors. But still, the record for the largest number of visitors for the entire period gained the month of May, 22.680 site visitors in one month! We can only predict how many new users of the IT Park site will appear in the future.

If we divide our users by the categories of devices they use, then 80% of our readers use mobile devices when they log in, 17.5% use computers, and only 2% use tablets.


Interesting fact. The time when people most often visit our site is from 4 pm to 12 am. The least people visited the site after 12 am and in the morning. This is not strange, because this is the most blissful time when you need to gain strength and energy for a long and hard-working day.


Confidently we can say that thanks to all hard and done work, the IT Park site was able to gain a good and loyal audience base, which throughout the existence of the site, actively manifested itself and gave feedback.


Summing up, we are ready to announce the update of our website and the launch of a new version, as well as the imminent launch of our new Republican projects on a single "Business" platform, which will consist of such blocks as:

- Marketplace - block for promotion of IT companies and IT specialists both in Uzbekistan and abroad. Here will be able the chance of creating a portfolio of IT companies with a description of the activities, information about their successful projects, etc., as well as a resume of IT specialists to create a database of IT staff. These portfolios and resumes will be available to interested local and international customers for establishing partnerships, implementing joint projects, etc.(Implementation-August 2020)

- Freelancers – a single point of freelance platforms, the purpose of which is to promote existing local freelance projects on the market. This block will include existing freelance platforms based on integration, which will be available to potential local and foreign customers who are looking for freelancers, as well as freelancers themselves to post information about themselves. (Implementation-July 2020)

- Working with residents of IT Park is an online service for residents and those interested in our organization's residency. The purpose of this section is to submit documents for obtaining residency in the IT Park, review business plans and registration of residents in electronic form, including the conclusion of contracts.

Residents are provided with the convenience of entering information about monthly payments, providing quarterly reports, and audit reports in electronic form through this portal. In addition, the portal will allow you to send ads-notifications, mailing lists, conduct surveys, perform data analytics, and more. (Implementation – September 2020)

- The block for competitions is a kind of bridge between customers and performers of IT projects from all over the IT market. Thus, customers will be able to post information about orders, and interested IT companies will be able to get acquainted with them and contact them to establish cooperation. G2B, B2B, and B2C segments will be involved on this platform. (Implementation-July 2020)

In addition, the site will host a database of start-up projects of Uzbekistan for interested investors and investment funds in order to attract funding to local startups, as well as a database of resumes of beginning IT professionals, students of IT-oriented Universities and graduates of IT Centers and IT Academies, which will help young professionals find high-paying jobs, and IT companies-new employees.

And finally, we have left the most interesting for you. How will the new version of the site differ from the old one and how will it please you? In order to answer this question, first, you must have a complete picture and then you will be able to follow the progress of changes. Let's go through the old version of the site and take a step-by-step look at all the differences, changes, and new additions (functions) while comparing it with the new version.

Visiting the site, we immediately see the slogan of IT Park, which reads "Start local&go global" and photos of young people engaged in discussing something serious, perhaps even a startup. And speaking of startups, after entering the site, startups are able to be given to apply for one of our incubation and acceleration programs. This is very convenient because you do not need to wander around the site, click on the icons, search; go to the site and immediately can show up for one of the programs!
Comparing this part of the main page with the new version of the site, we have already dispensed with photos of young children in the new page. In the new version, we see a brief description of our organization, a list of areas in which we are good, icons of our social networks, clicking on which you instantly go to a particular social network, and of course, a quote from the Director of IT Park, Farkhod Ibragimov. Good start, isn't it?


In addition, after visiting the site, you can immediately go to the landing page of the IT Academy and to the site of IT Centers, which are an integral part of IT Park.

You can apply for one of the incubation and acceleration programs, as well as for becoming a resident of IT Park a little below. Even lower are all the projects implemented by IT Park during the entire period of its existence. As for investments, this tab is now available inside two pages: startups and infrastructure. The latter is a new addition to the site. Now all investors, interested in our infrastructure, can get acquainted with the locations of IT Park branches, future expansion plans, find out the approximate date of construction of branches, view the gallery of offices, videos about the future infrastructure in Tashkent, find the team of the infrastructure Department, and of course, can become our investors by filling out an application.

Mentors. Mentors play a very vital role in the development of the startup ecosystem. Therefore, we have allocated a separate section for them on the site, where all our visitors can watch videos with our mentors and apply for mentoring. Previously, the mentoring tab was located inside the "program" page, which is not available in the new version.

Below all the news will be posted in one way or another, related to the activities of the IT Park. This part has remained unchanged. But in addition to this part, there is another tab called "media about us". By the name, you probably already guessed what this tab is for. This tab will publish all articles and news published by local and foreign media about IT Park. In addition, after viewing a particular news item, people can immediately go to one of our social networks by clicking on a specific icon. So, we have decided the icons of social networks will be not only at the top, but also at the bottom near our news.


Let's not forget about our partners, with whom we have close and friendly relations. We also did not forget to include them in the site.


Contacts and location of the main office of IT Park, as in the old version of the site, remained in the lower part.


A separate page is dedicated to startups, where you can find all the detailed information about the incubation and acceleration programs, directions, registration form, list of our startups, as well as meet the members of the startup Department team and view the list of all IT Park mentors.

The internal page for residents remained almost intact. All detailed information, including information about renting offices, becoming a resident, application forms, etc., is located there.


Compared to the old version of the site, the new version will become even more dynamic and unusual. The design has completely changed, as you have already realized, some additions have appeared, the order of tabs has changed, and there is even more information.

And the last update, which is almost impossible not to pay attention to – "WHO are WE?". And who are we? What is IT Park? Who or what is behind its creation? All this is now available in the updated version of our site. You can find out the history of the creation of IT Park, see what "IT Park today" is. The entire team in its entirety is also shared. Photos and descriptions of IT Park employees are now available to everyone.


For those who want to join our ranks, there is a page "HR Department". We think this page needs no explanation. Those who first came to our site and did not hear about us at all, we also did not forget, and took care of. For them, we left information about what is IT Park? Another amusement Park? Or is it a large platform consisting of like-minded people with different religions, nationalities and gender, with different skin colors, but inside, burning with a single idea and striving for a single and common goal, ambitious people who help and support each other in every possible way, a close-knit team that works together for the development of Uzbekistan?


