Startup Battle winners have been determined

On September 17th, with the support of IT Park and Cloupard, a Startup Battle took place at the Yunusabad branch of C-Space.

A total of 40 startups registered for the competition.

The jury, consisting of Mr. Farrukh Khalmukhamedov, the Regional Director of CloudPayments, Mr. Shahzod Umirzakov, CEO of TASS Vision, and Mr. Sanjar Parmankulov, the Chief Manager of the Startup Department at IT Park, selected the top 10 startups that presented their projects.

The winners were as follows:

  • 1st Place — Social Spot — this project utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze mentions of social issues on social media and in the press. This enables the identification of the most pressing problems and the development of effective solutions to address them.
  • 2nd Place — AIsistent — an artificial intelligence assistant designed for teachers with the capability of automatically generating and grading tests. This assistant automates routine tasks, allowing teachers to devote more time to their students.
  • 3rd Place — SaleMap — a service that facilitates the quick and easy discovery of promotions and discounts at stores and establishments.

The winners of the battle were awarded Yandex.Station Mini devices. In addition, the team that secured the first place received a voucher worth 1 million sums from the C Space coworking centre and a voucher worth 3 million sums for the use of cloud services from Cloupard. The second and third-place winners were also rewarded with vouchers worth 1 million sums each for cloud services from Cloupard.
