AI is an artificial intelligence that allows you to solve many problems with your mechanisms. For example, in the Google project, artificial intelligence helps determine the path to the nearest hospital, while Facebook’s artificial intelligence opens the eyes of people blinking in photos. But AI can solve more global problems, such as: identifying and addressing the causes of poverty or recognizing Braille. Solving such problems can definitely make this world a better place!
You have the opportunity to take part in the international hackathon AI & Data World Challenge for Uzbek participants on June 27-28! In the hackathon process, you will find solutions to the global problems of our humanity, which will be assisted by experts in the field of AI and data.
If you believe in your knowledge, then take part in the webinar we are organizing on June 18, 2020.
In this webinar we will answer all your questions about hackathon and the invited experts will present their knowledge on the assignment on AI and Uzbekistan in master classes!
Topics covered by our experts:
Link to register for the webinar: