ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023: A Global Spotlight on the Country's Tech Transformation

Uzbekistan has recently emerged as a focal point for the global technology community, drawing attention from international media for its ambitious plans to become a regional tech hub. The ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023 served as a platform to showcase the country's strides in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. Several prominent international media outlets have covered the event, highlighting Uzbekistan's commitment to boosting its IT exports and positioning itself as a key player in the technology landscape.

1. Emirates 24/7: "Uzbekistan Aims to Boost IT Exports to $5 Billion by 2030"

Emirates 24/7 explores Uzbekistan's ambitious goal of reaching $5 billion in IT exports by 2030. The piece delves into the strategies and initiatives discussed during the ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023, shedding light on the country's economic vision and the role of the technology sector in achieving these objectives.

Uzbekistan's IT sector is growing rapidly, and the country is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for foreign investment. The government's commitment to developing the IT sector is expected to help Uzbekistan achieve its goal of becoming a major player in the global IT industry

2. Emerging Europe: "The Last Word: How Uzbekistan Can Become a Regional Tech Hub"

This article by Andrew Wrobel provides insights into the potential transformation of Uzbekistan into a regional tech hub. It examines the challenges and opportunities faced by the country and discusses the key takeaways from the ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023, offering a comprehensive analysis of the nation's tech aspirations.

“Uzbekistan has a population of over 36 million, as large, almost, as the other four Central Asian countries combined. The average age is 29. More than five million Uzbeks speak English and over a half million have a good command of German. During my stay I didn’t face a single language-related challenge. On the contrary, be it a start-up, restaurant or a bazaar, I could communicate in English quite easily”

3. LifeGate: "Uzbekistan's Tech Boom and its Impact on Women's Rights"

Lucia Bellinello takes a unique perspective by exploring the intersection of Uzbekistan's tech boom and its impact on women's rights. The article delves into the societal implications of the country's rapid technological advancement, shedding light on both the opportunities and challenges faced by women in the evolving landscape.

The article highlights a conference "Empowering women in IT: leading the digital revolution" held in Tashkent as part of ICT Week. The conference brought together women, mostly young, who expressed their aspirations to excel in education, entrepreneurship, and helping women, especially those who are victims of violence, to emancipate.

4. Emerging Markets: "Miracle on the Chirchiq: Uzbekistan Goes All-In on IT"

This piece by Anthony Deckoff emphasizes Uzbekistan's bold commitment to IT, framing it as a "miracle" on the Chirchiq River. The article explores the significance of Uzbekistan's comprehensive approach to IT development and how it positions the country on the global stage.

“Foreign direct investment is rising, as is the number of expats seeking business opportunity, a modest cost of living, a friendly and tolerant culture, and pleasant weather. The banks of the Chirchiq River, a few miles to the south of IT Park’s shiny headquarters in central Tashkent , may now be basking in the glow of a mellow, golden autumn. But it’s springtime in Uzbekistan’s tech sector, and a thousand green shoots are poking through the Central Asian steppe”

5. Al Bayan: "Uzbekistan's Tech Vision Gains Global Attention"

Al Bayan provides a global perspective on Uzbekistan's tech vision, highlighting the attention the country is gaining on the international stage. The article explores the economic and strategic implications of Uzbekistan's growing influence in the global technology landscape.

The article discusses Uzbekistan's plans to increase its exports in IT sector to $5 billion by 2030. According to Farkhod Ibragimov, the CEO of IT Park, this initiative, supported by the state, aims to accelerate the growth of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry and external IT services in Uzbekistan.

6. Outsource Accelerator: "Uzbekistan Eyes $5Bn in IT Exports by 2030"

HJ Suroy Suroy focuses on Uzbekistan's aspirations to increase IT exports to $5 billion by 2030. The article outlines the key export targets discussed during the ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023 and the potential impact on the country's economy.

The rapid expansion of the country’s IT sector, aided by government commitment, can help Uzbekistan become a major global IT industry player and achieve the ambitious $5 billion export target. However, scaling up the industry to reach this goal will require substantial continued investment in education and training to expand the talent pool

7. Icebreaker Media: "Tashkent Calling: What Uzbekistan Has to Offer Foreign Investors and Startups"

Natalie Novakova explores the opportunities for foreign investors and startups in Uzbekistan, framing Tashkent as a beckoning call for global entrepreneurs. The article provides insights into the incentives and support systems that make Uzbekistan an attractive destination for international tech ventures.

Uzbekistan aspires to position itself as a “one stop shop” for companies establishing outsourcing branches, claiming a competitive edge in the region.

The cornerstone of this program is a tax incentives policy, granting residents of the IT Park 0% corporate, social, property, and land taxes. Additionally, there is no VAT on imported services, and a 7.5% personal income tax applies. Uzbekistan further facilitates the process by assisting with legal entity registration, bank account opening, and tax authorities registration

8. Italy 24: "Women’s rights in Uzbekistan, first attempts at empowerment"

The article discusses women's empowerment initiatives in Uzbekistan, focusing on efforts to increase women's participation in the male-dominated field of information technology (IT). It highlights a conference in Tashkent, where women shared their aspirations and emphasized the importance of breaking gender stereotypes in the IT sector. 

The article mentions key figures, such as Kamola Sobirova, an advisor to the Minister of Digital Technologies, who leads the women's club in IT. It outlines partnerships with organizations promoting gender equality and mentions a previous program, IT-Women, that trained thousands of girls in IT and entrepreneurial skills.

9. Grit Daily: "Uzbek IT Sector Is on a Mission to Build a Business Process Outsourcing Hub for U.S. Businesses"

The article by Nick Holdsworth discusses Uzbekistan's ambitious plan to become a significant business process outsourcing (BPO) hub, aiming to increase the value of its BPO market to $5 billion annually by 2030. The country leverages tax and customs incentives, along with a growing pool of skilled IT specialists, to attract foreign companies, particularly from the USA, to outsource various tasks to Uzbekistan. 

The government emphasizes cost savings for international companies by outsourcing to Uzbekistan, where the average salary is significantly lower. The article highlights the success stories of companies like EPAM Systems and Plug and Play establishing a presence in Uzbekistan. The country aims to position itself as the central hub for IT startups in Central Asia, with a focus on attracting global investments and clients.


The international media coverage of ICT Week Uzbekistan 2023 reflects the growing recognition of Uzbekistan as a significant player in the global technology landscape. The articles highlight the country's ambitious goals, the challenges it faces, and the potential impact of its tech-driven initiatives on both the domestic and international fronts. As Uzbekistan continues its journey toward becoming a regional tech hub, the world watches with keen interest, acknowledging the transformative power of information and communication technology on a national scale.

