Announced the Top 7 teams of the third wave of the mGovAward competition

On December 18, Aloqabank hosted the Demo Day, organized as part of the third wave of the mGovAward competition for the development of the best mobile application. The competition is conducted with the support of IT Park, the Ministry of Digital Technologies, and the government of the UAE.

20 projects showcased their applications, which were evaluated according to four criteria:

  1. Relevance of the application;
  2. Attainability of project results;
  3. User convenience;
  4. Completeness of the application.

The objective of the competition is to stimulate the participation of youth in collaborative efforts with the government and the development of innovative solutions to enhance mobile public services. The best among the devised solutions will be implemented in government institutions.

The total prize pool amounts to $100,000 and will be distributed among 3 prize positions:

  • 1st place — $50,000
  • 2nd place — $30,000
  • 3rd place — $20,000

20 participating teams were pre-selected by experts from the UAE and Uzbekistan in six domains:

  • Distance learning
  • Human resources and well-being
  • Enhancing tourism potential
  • Ensuring road safety
  • Expanding entrepreneurship and e-commerce opportunities
  • Ecology and environmental protection

The competition participants were evaluated by prominent representatives from Uzbekistan and the UAE.

Jury members from Uzbekistan:

  • Stephen Li — Venture Partner at Sturgeon Capital;
  • Abdul Sharopov — CEO of Sarmo Labs, advisor to AloqaVentures;
  • Mirolim Abdullaev — Representative of AloqaVentures;
  • Rano Sidikova — Representative of Plug&Play Uzbekistan.

Jury members from the UAE:

  • Mushira Al-Zarooni — Acting Chief of Public Service Efficiency Department;
  • Amira Al-Ketbi — Head of Service Channels Evaluation Department;
  • Anwar Yusuf — Senior Project Manager.

According to the results of the jury’s evaluations, the top 7 teams were selected, with the first three securing prize positions:

1. Drivesafe — an application that employs video monitoring and alerts to prevent drowsiness-related accidents, acting as a vigilant system, monitoring signs of fatigue.

2. Guide Me — a service that, based on artificial intelligence, provides information about tourist destinations and historical figures in Uzbekistan.

3. Logo Smart — an innovative online program designed for correcting speech defects in children, utilizing artificial intelligence.

4. Maydonium — an online sports venue booking platform, assisting users in finding suitable venues and times, while enabling venue owners to attract new customers.

5. Milliy Pay — a swift money transfer and service payment service from Russia to Uzbekistan.

6. School of autism — a mobile application that helps children with autism in learning, development, and communication.

7. Voltiva — simplifies the charging of electric vehicles by uniting stations, drivers, and home charging devices under a single application for convenient access and monetization.


The award ceremony for the winners will take place in January 2024.
