Industrial Safety, eHealth and Learning Management systems from IT Park resident “Nihol”!

IT Park resident “Nihol-Komtex” offers IT solutions: an industrial safety and labor protection management system, a distance learning system, and an e-health system.

A little about each system:

1. Industrial safety and labor protection management system

This proposed IT solution offers the creation of an automated industrial safety and labor protection management system in production, including the following main components at the customer's choice:

- a database of regulatory and technological documents - a quality management system tool in the field of management and regulation of production, operational, managerial and financial and economic processes, including documents on ensuring industrial safety and labor protection;

- a distance learning system - a tool for creating training courses and testing knowledge as well as enhancing and / or confirming the qualifications of enterprise specialists;

- a database of industrial accidents and incidents, including the register of risky industrial cases and the history of the results of inspections;

- an automated risk management system in production.

2. Distance learning system (Learning Management System)

The system will provide the followings:

- automation of the educational process in educational institutions;

- creation of training courses;

- testing the knowledge of students.

3. Electronic health (eHealth)

System functions:

- control system for the treatment and diagnostic process and medical service;

- electronic medical records;

- electronic registration and electronic reception of patients;

- expert system;

- medical information resources;

- distance learning.

Nihol-Komtex is an IT company that specializes in the design, development, creation and implementation of corporate information systems according to the generally accepted architectural principles, models, standards, and so forth. The company is included in the Nihol companies.

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