IT Park and USAID discussed the women’s empowerment in the IT sector of Uzbekistan

On February 5, 2024, a delegation from USAID visited the IT Park office to celebrate the achievements of women in technology and the outcomes of the Tumaris.Tech and FoundHer projects.

The objective of the meeting was to engage with startup representatives, discuss their developmental journey, identify current challenges, and ascertain how IT Park, USAID, and other stakeholders can offer assistance in their ongoing development.

The event brought together representatives from startups participating in the Tumaris.Tech and FoundHer projects, as well as experts from IT Park, USAID, and Plug and Play Uzbekistan. Startups shared success stories and demonstrated how these projects have positively impact on women’s roles in the IT sector.

Jamille Bigio, USAID Senior Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Coordinator, joined the event and highlighted the achievements and outcomes of the projects:

“I am truly honored to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate and champion the incredible achievements of women-led start-ups in our community. This event is not just a showcase of innovation and entrepreneurship; it is a testament to the resilience, creativity, and determination that these remarkable women bring to the forefront of the startup ecosystem.”

She also emphasized the pivotal role gender diversity plays in driving innovation and sustainable growth, highlighting the growing numbers of talented and ambitious women in the startup sphere. 

Ismina Mavlyankarieva, Chief Manager of the Department of Local IT Service Expansion at IT Park Uzbekistan, underscored the importance of partnership with USAID.

“Collaboration with USAID is one of the key factors contributing to the success of our projects. We do not rest on our laurels but continue to foster women entrepreneurship. Our next step is to propel startups participating in IT Park programs onto the international stage.”

It is worth noting that IT Park and USAID closely collaborate in the development of the startup ecosystem. They have successfully completed the implementation of two phases of the Tumaris.Tech project in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.

Following the meeting, key aspects of cooperation and startup development were discussed. Jamille Bigio elaborated on the initiatives proposed by USAID to support women entrepreneurship. Experts attentively listened to all comments and took note of proposals from women startup founders. Moving forward, efforts will continue to support women in IT and provide necessary assistance and resources for the successful development and realization of their ideas.

For reference:

USAID, a leading international development agency, continues to act as a catalyst for sustainable development and its collaboration with IT Park underscores its commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Tumaris.Tech project, launched by IT Park in June 2020 with support from the USAID entrepreneurship and business environment development project, represents an innovative program aimed at expanding opportunities for women entrepreneurs in the information technology sector. Over two years, the Tumaris.Tech project has expanded beyond Uzbekistan, extending its activities to five countries in Central Asia. More than 200 women have undergone training, 83 projects have been supported, and 50 products have been developed as a result of the project.

FoundHer project, focused on the development of women’s entrepreneurship, has been involved in identifying promising business ideas in Uzbekistan and providing support for business development over six months. The FoundHer project’s commitment to creating equal opportunities for women in the field of information technology in Central Asia has led to the organization of training sessions and mentorship programs. As a result, participants of the project had the opportunity to visit Silicon Valley and participate in the Plug and Play Winter Summit 2023 in the USA.
