IT Park Develops Kukdala District in Kashkadarya Region

Construction of an IT Park branch in the Kukdala district of the Kashkadarya region has been completed. The three-story building, covering a total area of 5,072 square meters, already houses MAAB Innovation and will soon accommodate the office of IT Park resident-exporter Unicall.

Kukdala district was established by the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 and is home to over 180,000 residents. To bolster the economic potential and provide employment opportunities, IT Park Uzbekistan has partnered with the district administration to cultivate a conducive business environment and advanced infrastructure.

Specifically, the IT Park branch offers all the necessary conditions for companies interested in the Zero Risk program to start their operations. Residents can quickly and efficiently commence their operations in well-equipped offices. Furthermore, each floor of the branch features a coworking space, providing freelancers with a comfortable setting to work on their.

Companies seeking to optimize operational costs and expand into new markets can seize this opportunity by submitting an application on the website.

Development of Local Youth

The IT Park branch in the Kukdala district has established special educational classrooms, offering residents access to high-quality IT education and foreign language training, enabling them to work for leading international companies without leaving the district.

MAAB Innovation, an Uzbek IT company successfully engaged in outsourcing with the international market, supports this goal. MAAB intends to train local youth in high-demand IT disciplines. The first cohort of 22 students from the region, who successfully passed the entrance examination, is set to commence their training.

The program will include not only advanced programming courses but also focus on developing soft skills, equipping young professionals meet the demands of international companies. Graduates of this program will have guaranteed employment with MAAB Innovation, where they can work on IT projects for major American IT firms.

Furthermore, Unicall, an IT Park Uzbekistan resident, will occupy a floor in the facility and plans to hire specialists for its international contact center operations (BPO services). Young men and women proficient in foreign languages can contact IT Park Karshi for information on job requirements and apply for positions at +998 97 738 01 20.

This social project represents a strategic step by IT Park to enhance regional infrastructure and improve the qualifications of youth. Project aims to attract foreign companies to all regions of Uzbekistan and ensure stable economic growth, transforming the country into a global IT hub. The measures implemented will see major IT and outsourcing companies established in the Kukdala district, creating new jobs and ensuring the region's sustainable economic growth.
