IT Park hosted a meeting with KOICA

On November 26, 2020, IT Park hosted a meeting with the delegation of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Uzbekistan.

The meeting was attended by the CEO of IT Park Farkhod Ibragimov, Director of the KOICA Uzbekistan Ms. Park Sunjin, Deputy Director Ms. Hyun Young Jo and other representatives of IT Park and KOICA.

During the meeting, they discussed the prospects for the development of IT Park, the plan for the implementation of the project "Building foundation and strengthening capabilities for sustainable growth of IT Park Uzbekistan", as well as long-term prospects for further bilateral cooperation.

Those who were present via zoom platform: Operational Master plan development (Korean Technopark Association) Ms. Hyun Young Youn, Equipment and IT-system and development (Dain Leaders) Mr. Lim Jin Ho, Educational \ consulting programs (Gyeongbuk Technopark) Ms. Kim Yangjin, project support Ms. Jiwoon Jeong and Sasha Sternik, an Independent Expert on the development of the digital economy and startups in Uzbekistan.

The project experts demonstrated a presentation of the IT Park sustainable development plan, which enables the organization to increase the working potential.

Within the framework of the project, over the period from 2021 to 2025, a long-term master plan for the management of IT Park will be developed, support will be provided in equipping IT Park, and the capacity of personnel will be strengthened.

In addition, within 1 month, particularly from October 27 to November 26, 2020, consultants and experts held more than 15 online meetings with representatives of state and foreign organizations, as well as ministries, departments, private and state-owned companies, universities, IT Park residents, who are engaged in the development of the information technology in Uzbekistan. These included UNDP Uzbekistan, World Bank, OSCE and other organizations, ministries, departments and other IT companies. These meetings were conducted in order to deeply analyze and study the current state of the IT market in Uzbekistan, discuss development plans, cooperation and the right direction in interaction between organizations and IT Park.

The main purpose of the visit was to support the IT sector of Uzbekistan by allocating a grant for the evolvement of IT Park to improve its infrastructure, educational IT programs, and the material and technical facilitation. The amount of the grant is 4,5 mln USD (Four Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)

It should be noted that this meeting between IT Park and KOICA was not the first one. On November 11, 2019, IT Park hosted the first meeting with the delegation of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) on the allocation of a grant for the development of IT Park within the framework of the Technoparks development program. Also, KOICA representatives visited IT Park in February 2020.

At the end of the meeting, for Ms. Park Sunjin a small tour of IT Park and the construction of a new IT complex was organized.
