IT Park Tashkent hosted master classes for children from charity homes

IT Park Tashkent hosted master classes for children from charity homes together with the Meros Charitable Public Foundation.

Master classes were held in the areas of mobile robotics, as well as frontend and backend programming.  In addition, the participants of the master classes were told about the project “One Million Uzbek Coders” and its advantages.

The participants were able to communicate with representatives of IT Park and the Meros Foundation, ask all their questions and learn a lot of new and informative information about the IT-field.

We emphasize that IT Park, together with the Meros Charitable Foundation, conducts comprehensive programming courses for children from orphanages in Uzbekistan.

To date, in 4 regions of the Republic, namely in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Tashkent, Samarkand and Khorezm regions, a total of more than 70 children from charity homes and children's towns have successfully completed the first stage (computer literacy).  Currently, it is planned to launch courses of the second stage for children from orphanages (frontend or backend – at students' request).
