Management of IT Park Uzbekistan held meetings with regional residents and young talents

In anticipation of Uzbekistan's Youth Day, a delegation from IT Park Uzbekistan, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov and accompanied by Kokdaly District Governor Khurram Juraev, convened a series of strategic meetings with IT Park residents and the region's youth. Also present were Deputy CEO of IT Park Fayzulla Aripjanov, heads of Maab Innovation LLC, Unicall LLC, and the IT Bilim Center, Farrukh Rasulov.

The primary objective of these visits was to gain an in-depth understanding of the activities of local residents and the dynamics of youth employment. IT Park representatives engaged in open dialogue with company leaders from Kashkadarya region, including Mars, New Team Development, Fathtime, IT Call Qarshi, and IT Park Education Karshi. Discussions centered on the development of the IT sector in the region, strategies for attracting new residents, and the creation of employment opportunities. Furthermore, Governor Khurram Juraev was urged to provide comprehensive support to residents and their employees to facilitate effective export activities within the region.

In Kokdaly District, the IT Park delegation, led by Farkhod Ibragimov, held discussions with talented youth to assess the level of professional training and employment within regional IT companies. Various proposals were made to enhance the IT sector and improve foreign language instruction in Kokdaly District. The need for equipping local educational institutions with advanced technical equipment was also highlighted, with Farkhod Ibragimov assuring the adoption of necessary measures to address this issue. Additionally, to increase the number of IT specialists and skilled workers, Farrukh Rasulov, head of the IT-BILIM Center, informed residents about the availability of preferential loans from the center.

Moreover, IT Park executives extended their outreach to other regions to engage in dialogues with young talents and IT Park residents, identifying specific needs in the Syrdarya, Tashkent, and Fergana regions.

In the Fergana region, meetings were held with resident companies IT Call Fergana and Audiotele to review operational processes and future export plans. Company representatives reported active recruitment efforts, with Audiotele planning to create over 100 jobs by September. At the Wegweiser and Registon Learning Center training centers, IT Park representatives interacted with students studying foreign languages and reviewed their training programs.

In the Tashkent region, particularly in the cities of Nurafshon, Chirchik, and Yukorichirchik District, meetings were conducted with resident companies such as Rubicon Tech Innovation (India), Weayaa (South Korea), H and K Group (Japan), and others. Discussions focused on the current state of export development and youth employment in the surrounding areas, as well as necessary educational programs to prepare qualified personnel for these companies. Collectively, these residents have created over 1,000 jobs for the residents of the Tashkent region.

In Syrdarya Region, IT Park representatives inspected offices designated for BPO centers in the under-construction IT town and the outsourcing center in the Syrdarya Business Accelerator building, which aims to attract exporting companies and create 50 jobs by the end of the year. The delegation also met with Syrdarya youth at Unicall resident company and the IT Park branch in Gulistan. They reviewed employment conditions for young talents and additional opportunities to enhance their skills with international expertise, involving companies such as Digital Academy, Devosoft, and Tez Yetkaz.

These strategic meetings and visits contribute significantly to job creation, the improvement of population welfare, and the enhancement of training programs for qualified personnel. They also ensure youth access to educational benefits and essential computer equipment. Uzbekistan's human capital is one of the country's most significant advantages in the international market, and investments in its development will continue to increase.
