New IT-Center opened in Namangan region

On October 5, the opening ceremony of another IT Center took place. A new institution appeared in the town of Uygursoy in the Pop district of Namangan region.

The new center is designed to train qualified personnel and provide them with knowledge in the field of information technology, so that young professionals can apply this knowledge to occupy relevant positions in IT world in the future.

All necessary conditions have been created at the IT-center for obtaining high-quality education in the IT sphere: the classrooms are equipped with computers, uninterrupted power supply and high-speed Internet.

Training centers of this type serve to provide employment for young people, create opportunities for working with foreign companies, and increase the export of IT services.

On the same day, specialists from Namangan Regional Department of the Ministry of ICT and Namangan branch of IT Park held a dialogue with students wishing to study at the center.
