Registration is open for new "Venture Analyst" course

With the support of IT Park, the eighth stream of the online course "Venture Analyst" with Denis Kalyshkin is being launched.

The training is designed for startup founders, business angels, workers of corporate innovation centers and accelerators, as well as prospective and current venture capitalists. The new feed will run for 4 weeks beginning on January 23.

The program includes the following topics:

• What is a venture fund and how does it work; market and competition analysis for a startup;

• Main terms of the transaction (term sheet);

• Capitalization table (cap table);

• Investment memorandum, start-up analysis criteria, mistakes and cognitive distortions of a venture investor;

• Due diligence process;

• Analysis of financial metrics of a startup and building a financial model;

• Venture fund portfolio management, risk balancing, fund life cycle.

Case studies: a) analysis of the Latin American venture market), b) analysis of the investment memorandum of Twitch based on the investment memorandum of the Bessemer fund, an online Q&A session with Denis Kalyshkin. In addition, course participants will receive additional materials for self-study and webinars on careers in a venture fund.

Participation is free. Classes will proceed in Russian. Register here:


Denis Kalyshkin - Investment Director of I2BF Global Ventures, 8+ years of investment experience in the US and CIS with a focus on startups that transform old and boring industries (manufacturing, construction, logistics, etc.) using modern technologies (AI, Internet of things , RPA, robots and automation, SaaS, AR/VR). It should be noted that for 7 streams of the course, the total number of students exceeded 5300 people.
