The director of RevoTech, a resident of IT Park, was admitted to the Forbes Business Council

IT Park resident, co-founder and CEO of fast-growing outsourcing IT-company RevoTech, Nodir Turdimatov-Ruzmatov has been admitted to the Forbes Business Council - a closed community for successful business owners and leaders.  Also, the Forbes Business Council is considered the leading organization for the development and networking of successful business owners and leaders around the world.

The business council is selected based on criteria that include a track record of successfully influencing business growth, as well as personal and professional achievements and awards.  Nodir Turdimatov - Ruzmatov was vetted and selected by an expert committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience.

“We are honored to welcome Nodir Ruzmatov to our community.  Our mission with Forbes Councils is to bring together proven leaders from every industry by building a social capital-based curatorial network that helps each member grow professionally and have an even greater impact on the business world,” said Scott Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils.  - a team that includes the Forbes Business Council.

“Forbes is a name synonymous with business and leadership, and I am honored to join the group of respected business leaders that make up the Forbes Business Council.  I look forward to working with Forbes so that we can find opportunities to further strengthen the role of RevoTech in ensuring the success of technology companies made in Uzbekistan and their leading positions on the global stage,” said Nodir Turdimatov - Ruzmatov, co-founder and CEO of RevoTech.

Nodir Turdimatov - Ruzmatov is the director of one of the largest IT services exporting companies in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as one of the largest residents of IT Park.

Under his careful guidance, the company has established business and partnership relations with the United States of America, several European countries, China, Ireland and other foreign countries.

The IT Park team congratulates Nodir Turdimatov - Ruzmatov on joining the Forbes Business Council and wishes the company further prosperity and success!

Link to the profile of Nodir Turdimatov - Ruzmatov in Forbes:

About Forbes Councils

Forbes Councils is a collection of invite-only communities created in partnership with Forbes and the community builders who founded the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC).  At Forbes Tips, exceptional business owners and leaders connect with the people and resources that can help them thrive.

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