The history of the "it specialist": how the cook became a programmer

 Our column about IT specialists from Uzbekistan continues. Communicating with our "it specialists", you are surprised at how different everyone's stories are about their first meeting with IT. Someone got into IT pretending to understand computers, someone after several years of working in a factory, and someone, like our hero today, Emil Yerofeyevsky, got into IT after almost becoming a cook. Each story is unique, and each story has its own value.

Emil Yerofeyevsky, 22, Director of the Monday Academy training center, lives in Bukhara. 

- What do you do?

- I have been working in the IT field for 3 years, I am engaged in web development of websites and applications in PHP and Python. Specialization is quite wide, ranging from websites to web CRM systems (systems for customer accounting). I am also a teacher and Director at Monday Labs Academy (Bukhara), where we train specialists in the field of IT.

- Why did you decide to become an IT specialist?

- I was in the field of IT purposefully, at one point I realized that this is the most profitable and accessible profession for me. I started working in IT shortly after an unsuccessful trip abroad. I was not able to realize myself in Russia, but it's for the best, because I could have become just a cook, and became a programmer. In Russia, I was unable to start working for a number of reasons and was forced to return home in disgrace and in debt. At that very moment, I realized that I needed to change something, because there is no choice, and there is no way back. That's when I came up with the idea of becoming a programmer.

- How was Your path to IT?

- At the time when I started working, the IT sphere was, to put it mildly, not very developed. It was difficult and there was no trust in programmers. Also, few people understood why it was necessary at all. It was very difficult to learn everything yourself, because sometimes I didn't even know where to start and where to go, everything has to be done on the principle of "scientific poke", which leads to terrible stress and very slow progress. Thanks to the initiatives of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and IT Park, the situation of IT in the country has greatly improved and the concept of "programming is the profession of the future" has been strengthened. I believe that now is the best time to start the path in the IT field, as children have many opportunities to learn. Our Academy is an example of this, we teach children in six months what I myself studied for a year or more, this is called acceleration. Sometimes I wish I had a teacher to guide me and spend so much time on self-education.

- How long did it take you to build a good base and start earning money in the IT field?

- It took me a long time, again, there was no teacher, no mentor. I searched for everything myself and went ahead. I started earning money by completing small projects and gaining experience. I got a good database late enough, because I spent a lot of time on parallel tasks. No one could tell me what to do, and I didn't take on complex and worthwhile projects, simply afraid that I wouldn't pull them off. Our students always have direct access to us and this problem does not concern them, we are always ready and happy to help them in their endeavors and many already work and earn money in IT.

I started earning almost immediately, the amounts were small, but it warmed my soul. For example, my first income was creating a simple website for 240 thousand soums. It took me about 1.5 years to completely give up part-time work and start fully supporting myself and my family through development and work in the IT field.

This was during difficult periods of IT, but now everything has changed dramatically. For example, our graduates earn a head higher than I did then, sometimes even during the last months of training.

- What is your earnings now?

- I can't answer exactly, but my current income allows me to provide for myself and my family, and even save money for something. So, I will answer in the style of all programmers-I have enough.

- Where did you learn programming?

- I studied programming, as I said, using the "scientific poke" method on the Internet, collecting knowledge piece by piece from all over the world. I think it was this factor that delayed me, so to speak, in my development (as a programmer, of course). But it also allowed me to clearly understand what our students need, so I know exactly what needs to be explained and shown in order to guide our students through the wilds of complex and incomprehensible code (there is a lot of extra stuff on the Internet, believe me).

- Do you think that a higher education diploma plays a role in the field of IT?

- During the interview, you will almost never be asked for a diploma about your education, only at the resume stage, maximum. I often tell my students this. The employer is interested in earning money, professional staff can provide it. It is much easier for him to work with a person who has knowledge and experience, but without a diploma, than with a person without experience, but with a red diploma. Skill = money, you should keep this in mind. The paper doesn't say anything.

- Why did you decide not to go to UNIVERSITY?

"I didn't do it just because I didn't want to. Not interesting. Corny, because I realized that it won't do me any good.

- How do I find a job in the IT field for a beginner?

- You should look for a job if you know how to do something. The best option is to apply for courses, as for me. We train guys with a bias that after us they will come out with personnel that can meet the demand, who can and will earn money from programming. Of course, you can follow my path and start yourself, but it is worth remembering that the speed of learning will be 5 times lower. If I had the opportunity, I would go to the courses myself in my own time, and perhaps I will go when I expand the field in my developments.

A job for beginners, and in General, should be sought directly, as well as any other. It is better to ask experienced developers, or while taking courses, you will be provided with information about existing employers in one way or another, and they may even recommend you. It is worth looking for a lot on the Internet, as there is quite a large demand abroad, and in neighboring cities. You can always become a freelancer. thanks to our President, we have the opportunity to really succeed in freelancing, because he gave a large number of benefits to self-employed developers, and not only.

- Will large IT companies accept a newcomer as an Intern?

- The internship is a relative matter. Our company accepts successful students who are interested in working with us as interns after graduation. We continue to prepare them at a fairly powerful pace and quickly bring them to the "right condition", which corresponds to the level of projects performed by our company. But not all companies are ready for interns, especially for beginners, so you should think about investing in your education (professional, I'm not talking about higher education institutions). This investment will help you with your head held high and confidently go to the company already as a specialist.

- What can be the maximum salary of a good programmer in Uzbekistan?

- Salary is often a secret. Many do not speak out of reluctance, many because of the principles of corporate secrecy, but the fact remains that the real price tags for mid-level developers vary from 5 to 16 million soums per month. Of course, everything depends on the region, but no one bothers to perform their freelance projects that bring good money.

- Is there any competition among programmers in Uzbekistan?

- There is no competition as such, demand is higher than supply. And the higher you are in skill and experience, the more projects and fewer competitors you will have.

 - Have you ever wanted to quit IT?

- I never wanted to quit IT, probably because I'm not such a mastodon of development yet.

- Were there any doubts that you might not be able to cope?

- Were there any doubts? Certainly be. This is a new profession, and I don't have much talent, but I decided that bill gates did it, Steve jobs did it, and I will do it.

- What advice can you give to novice programmers?

- I can advise novice programmers to first decide what they want:

1) what to develop and why (mobile apps, web interfaces, working with data, Analytics);

2) Explore the market;

3) get Upset that the market dictates different rules;

4) Decide again what they want to choose, but this is realistic.

Then to decide how they want to go all the way. If they are sure that they are ready to spend a lot of time and nerves, like me, then they should go on the principle – "I will study everything myself on the Internet". Keep in mind only one thing, it is much slower, because there is no acceleration, as in the case when there is a mentor. If they are interested in a faster and more reliable method in the format of "transfer of knowledge from hand to hand", then I advise you to sign up for courses where your direction is available.

Our company focuses on the development of web structures and applications, so we have exactly what to tell, and we know the shortest path to the goal.

The main thing to remember is not to be afraid of online courses. I have noticed that this is quite frightening for many people, as they believe that the information is served in the worst format. But what kind of education a student will receive in the first place depends on the responsibility of the student. The mentor only gives knowledge, is ready to answer all questions. But without aspiration and self-discipline, you will not be able to learn anything one way or another, spending 20-30 minutes of time a week studying. The job of a programmer is daily growth and learning. In addition, online courses provide a sandbox in which you will hone your online skills, since you will have to work online one way or another.

Emil is one of those who went through a rather thorny path and even without great opportunities, was able to raise their knowledge and skills in the IT field and become the Director of the Monday Academy training center. Now, people have much more opportunities to rise in this area. There are a lot of courses, both online and offline, paid and free, that will allow you to become a good IT specialist in the shortest possible time. And if Emil could do it in his time, why can't you do it now?   Courses:  - Monday Academy courses:

 - One Million Uzbek Coders Platform: - IT Centers: - IT Park resident Courses:
