The Korean educational program on robotics opened in IT Park Tashkent and Jizzakh

Tashkent and Jizzakh branches of IT Park opened enrollment in robotics courses for children from 7 to 14 years old on the Korean program Entry.

The Entry program is well proven in South Korea and is included in the school curriculum.

The course program is based on the Korean Neo Soco platform, which is aimed at learning: algorithms, programming basics, mechanics, sensors, types of control, as well as solving project-oriented problems.

Advantages of the program:

- the platform is available in the Uzbek language;

- coverage of a large age range;

- support for data analysis and deep learning artificial intelligence;

-support for more than 60 educational hardware platforms.

The course tutor is the winner of many local and international robotics competitions, winner of the Order of Mard Uglon, five-time world robotics champion - Suhrob Haidarov.

Suhrob has created more than 20 startups and is currently a senior lecturer in mobile robotics at IT Park. He has been involved in mobile robotics for more than three years. During all his work he has realized 103 orders on freelance exchanges.

The teacher in Jizzakh is Bunyod Berdiyev.  Bunyod is a WorldSkills Expert on Mobile Robotics.  He is also a startup founder.  One of his startups, BikeSharing, took first place in the TechnoWays Grand Prix.

Bunyod currently teaches robotics at IT Park Jizzakh. Many of Bunyod's students won prizes in various competitions and competitions in robotics.

For information: +99899 309 11 99

