The qualifying stage of the ICPC Olympiad took place in Uzbekistan

On October 8, the regional stage of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) took place in the regional branches of IT Park and Tashkent University of Information Technologies.

More than 200 teams registered to participate in the competition, and 150 teams from various regions of the country took part.

80 teams passed the qualifying round and will participate in the national stage, which will be held on October 22 in Tashkent.

ICPC is an annual programming championship among university students from all over the world. Every year, more than 10,000 teams participate in it. The championship finalists have the opportunity to receive job offers from FAANG companies (global technology leaders Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google) as well as other major organizations.

The national stage of ICPC is supported by IT Park, Uzum and ITPU. Winners will be selected for the next stage of the ICPC championship and will be awarded valuable prizes.
