The story of IT-specialist: how does a tenth grader earn about $500 a month?

IT Park continues to acquaint readers with young professionals who have been able to prove that age is not a hindrance to success.

The hero of today's column is Alovuddin Kambarov. He was born in 2005 in Syrdarya district of Syrdarya region.

Alovuddin began his journey into the IT field at the age of 15, when he began attending programming courses in Gulistan.

For two years, he worked hard to develop his skills. Alovuddin has studied programming languages ​​such as Java and Kotlin. But our hero did not want to dwell on the theory: love for his work and hard work on himself helped him get an invitation to participate in the project. Collaborating with the project S.O.S, the young talent earned his first money in the amount of $500.

Currently, Alovuddin is studying in the 10th grade and simultaneously works as a junior-programmer in the IT-company NAPA Systems. The monthly income of a young specialist is $500.

Now Alovuddin continues to strengthen his knowledge in the field of IT and is working on his projects.
