IT Park will hold “Startup Advice” for female startup founders

On March 25, 2022, IT Park, together with the IT company Codify, will hold an offline-event “Startup Advice” within the framework of the Tumaris.Tech project to help in the development of women and girls in the field of IT and startups.

Startup Advice” – a meeting with experts in the field of entrepreneurship, where participants will be able to listen to experts and ask questions they are interested in.

This time, the meeting will be held offline in the “Public talk” format, where an IT and entrepreneurship specialist will review the presentations of projects by girls and women in order to further establish cooperation and possible funding.

About speaker:

Dinara Ruslan – a programmer with an MBA degree and experience in Wells Fargo, America's largest financial services company, who at the age of 28 founded the group of IT companies Codify, which operate in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Also, Dinara Ruslan was an adviser to the Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, and now the brand ambassador of the Tumaris.Tech project in Kyrgyzstan.

Codify – the first B2B IT product from Central Asia to win the Accelerate Prosperity program and received the 1st round of investment in August 2021 with a company valuation of $1 million.

Time and date: March 25 at 16:00

Address: Yashnabad district, Oltintepa, 28 (Codify office)

If you want to attract funding for your project, then don't miss your chance and get involved.

To register, follow the link:


“Tumaris.Tech” – a Central Asian project to support women's entrepreneurial initiatives, implemented by IT Park with the support of the USAID Entrepreneurship and business-environment development Project.
