Startup Weekend Women Edition Hackathon

On May 19-21, the Techstars Startup Weekend Women Edition hackathon will be held in the C Space Coworking Center located in Tashkent.

Startup Weekend Women Edition is an opportunity for women to gain valuable experience, network with industry professionals and develop their startup ideas.

With the support of professionals in the field of startups, finance, marketing and product management, the contestants will have to develop their business plans and product prototypes.

The event will be facilitated by Durdona Bahronova, a front-end programming professional, who will ensure a meaningful and vibrant mood during the three days of the event.

On the first day of the hackathon, participants will receive instructions on how to participate and will pitch their startup ideas to attract the remaining participants to their team within one minute. The authors of the ten ideas that receive the most votes will form teams with the necessary participants and start working on the presented idea.

The second day of the competition will be crucial for participants: the participants will attend workshops on MVP and hypothesis testing, and after the lectures, they will test their ideas and create prototypes. The teams will also work alongside startup industry experts who will share their expertise and guide teams.

On the third and final day of the event, the teams present their ideas to the judges. The judges will evaluate the teams based on three criteria: Best Hypothesis Test, Best Business Model, and Best Market Potential. The top three startups with the highest scores in all criteria will be rewarded with prizes.

The event will be held in English. Registration via link:

The hackathon is organized by local leaders of Techstars, an international startup accelerator, in partnership with USAID, Alif Tech, UNDP, Coca-Cola Uzbekistan, C Space coworking center, Super Dispatch and with information support from IT Park Uzbekistan.
